- 1.1 A Public Agency’s Authority to Borrow
This chapter provides an overview of the statutory and legal framework within which California local public agencies may incur debt and obtain the funds needed to repay it. - 1.1.2 General Bond Statutes
Statutory authorities broadly applicable to public agencies. - A.6 General Bond Statutes
- General Fund
- i.4.6 What Financing Options are Available
- Figure 1-1 Public Agency Revenue Sources by Category
- 3.3.2 General Fund Obligations
Debt obligations backed by a public agency’s general fund.
- i.4.6 What Financing Options are Available
- i.5.2.1 Proposition 39 General Obligation Bonds
- 1.4.4 Ad Valorem Real Property Taxes Securing Voter-Approved Obligations
The use of Ad Valorem property taxes to secure debt obligations. - 1.7.6 Proposition 39 (2000), School Facilities Local Vote Act of 2000
- 3.3.1 Local Agency General Obligation Bonds
General obligation bonds (GO bonds) issued by California local government entities are payable from unlimited ad valorem taxes on real property - 3.9.1 State General Obligation Bonds
- B.1.3.1 Local General Obligation Bonds
- 7.2.4 General Obligation Bond Issuance Costs
- General Tax
- Figure 1-1 Public Agency Revenue Sources by Category
- 1.4.5 General Taxes
Sources of Revenues securing debt obligations: General taxes defined - 3.3.3 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds
Debt obligations that are payable from and secured by revenues from the imposition of a sales and use tax, or a transaction and use tax, on retail transactions
- i.3.2.3 Responsibilities of Elected and Appointed Officials
- i.4.4 Additional Legal Requirements – Internal Boards, Reporting to CDIAC, and Voter Approval
- Chapter 6. Securities Laws Pertaining to Municipal Debt
Municipal bonds, notes, certificates of participation, and similar obligations sold to investors (“municipal securities”) are generally subject to federal and state securities laws. - 6.1.1 Antifraud Rules
Statements by municipal issuers to investors, or potential investors, and even statements to the public generally, if likely to be heard and relied upon by the securities market are subject to the anitfraud provisions of federal securities laws. - 6.1.2 Governing Board Responsibilities
Role of governing board in complying with federal securities laws. - 7.2.5 School and Community College Bond Issuance Costs
- 7.3 Prohibition of Gift of Public Funds
Prohibitions imposed on a public agency from making any gift of public funds or from lending its public credit to any person. - 8.4.1 Annual Reports
Annual financial reports submitted as a part of continuing disclosures made by issuers. - 8.5.1 Audited Financial Statements
- B. Process for Approval of Local School District GO Bonds
- D.1 Public Agencies and Bankruptcy
- D.1.1 Eligibility
- i.4.6 What Financing Options are Available
- Short-Term Debt
- 3.7.3 Bond Anticipation Notes and Grant Anticipation Notes
Bond anticipation notes (BANs) are notes issued in advance, generally several years in advance, of the expected date of long-term financing for a project.
- Guaranteed Investment Contract (GIC)
- Investment Agreement
- 2.4.7 Investments
Decisions regarding the investment of proceeds - Guaranteed Investment Contracts
- 9.4.2 Investments Specific to Bond Funds
- 9.5.2 Investment Considerations
Issuer considerations regarding investment of bond funds.