- 1.4.8 Fees and Charges
Sources of Revenues securing debt obligations: Fees and charges defined - 1.4.9 Property-Related Fees and Charges (See “charges” and “property-related fees and charges”)
Sources of Revenues securing debt obligations: Property-related fees and charges defined
- Fiduciary
- Fiscal Agent
- Trustee
- i.3.2.3 Responsibilities of Elected and Appointed Officials
- 2.4.9 Fiduciary Rights and Duties
- 6.2.1 Municipal Advisors and Underwriters
- 9.3.3 Investment Policies (See “trustee”)
Role of investment policies in the investment of bond funds.
- Financing Lease
- Figure 3-4 Lease-Supported Debt
- 3.6.1 Financing Leases (See “lease-supported debt,” “lease revenue bonds” and “Ofner-Dean lease exception”)
The public agency obtains financing by entering into a lease for which it makes rental payments
- i.4.1 Financing Team
- i.4.1.1 Pre-Issuance Phase
- 2.1 Overview
Factors determining structure, including issuer, term, source of repayment, and debt limits. - Chapter 5. Sale of Municipal Debt
Considerations made in the sale of a municipal security. - 5.6.2 The Credit Rating Process
- 6.2 Roles and Responsibilities of Other Financing Participants
The duties and obligations of consultants and advisors subject to rules and professional responsibility standards. - 6.3 The Official Statement
The offering document in a public offering of municipal securities. - 7.1.2 Report of Final Sale
- 9.1 A Team Approach to Investing Bond Funds
Designing and implementing an investment strategy that maximizes earnings, while ensuring the safety and liquidity of invested funds and complying with federal tax law, is an important component of minimizing overall, or “net,” borrowing costs.
- Fiscal Agent
- Trustee
- Fiduciary
- i.4.1.2 Issuance Phase
- 3.3.4 TRANs and RANs
Tax and revenue anticipation notes (TRANs) and revenue anticipation notes (RANs) may be used to finance current fiscal year expenses. - 9.3.1 Statutory Authority (See “trustee”)
Controlling statutory authority for investment of bond funds.
- Floating Rate
- Variable-Rate Debt
- 3.4.2 Long-Term, Variable-Rate Debt
- Tender or Demand Obligations
Long-term obligations that achieve short-term interest rates by offering a “tender” or “put” feature.